Brenda's Scheduled Events

The following events are open to the public. Other engagements, not shown here, are group-specific and private. 

                                                       2018 Events

Please go to Loretto Maryholme website for a joint weekend offered by Brenda and Joan on the first weekend of May, 2018.

2011 events

Knowing What We Know:  writing as spiritual practice

to be held at Maryholme Retreat Centre, Roches Point, On

February 11-13, 2011

 This retreat weekend is for writers, or those who want to be writers, or those who suspect themselves to be writers and haven’t found their writing voice as yet.  We will explore and practice various forms of personal writing such as proprioceptive writing, journal writing, poetry, engaging the world through writing and other forms that may arise.  Large space will be given to your own writing followed by gathering for learning from one another.


or check the website:



Part 1   Thursday, October 28, 8 pm –Sunday 1 pm, October 31

                                    Being a Transformative Facilitator

You will learn about and encounter transformation itself and how it manifests itself in groups. Topics engaged are: identifying readiness for transformation, paradoxes in group life, seeing how power works in groups, core beliefs, practices and presence of the transformative facilitator, facilitating shifts in groups, and facilitating as part of the Great Turning presently happening in the world. The use of a Quadrinity approach i.e. engaging body, mind, spirit, and emotion is the frame for this workshop.


                Part 2  Thursday, November 25, 8 pm –Sunday 1 pm, November 28

                                     Shadow’s Role in Group Transformation

Using a variety of teachings and practices, this workshop will better enable you as facilitator to be aware of the dynamics of shadow – i.e. what is affecting the group just below the surface and unknown to it – and how you as facilitator can address this reality. Some topics: energetic of groups, how shadow appears personally, relationally, collectively, and institutionally, recognizing projection and transference in groups, and ways to work with these dynamics for the betterment of group life.


Facilitation:  $300 per workshop   Registration form and payment to Brenda Peddigrew

Accommodation: Part 1 or 2   Private room $225   Shared room $175   Part 1 & 2   $400/$300 

Commuter: $ 75 per workshop (lunch, supper, snacks included)

Accommodation deposit: $50 per workshop payable to Loretto Maryholme, Box 1131, 379 Bouchier St., Roches Point, ON L0E 1P0



                         Sept. 17th - 24th , 2010                                                  


                      SECOND FIRE  RETREAT         

                   “...then for the second time in history, humanity will have discovered fire” and we will “harness for God the energies of love”.     (Teilhard de Chardin s.j.)


            Through contemplative practices, prayer, morning conference, silence and optional evening sharing, you will be invited to recover the spiritual fire deep within, to awaken to the ways in which God offers healing and transformation and to deepen your experience of receiving what is offered.   This retreat is being offered at Invermara, the retreat house of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto situated on Lake Simcoe in Orillia.


Register with Sr. Mary Mettler at 416-250-3106 or

                                                Cost $400.00



                                          Meditation: Teaching and Practice

                          "Meditation" has become a generic word in our time.

Many use it without realizing that there are many kinds of meditation and that each has a different purpose. Sometimes trying to meditate without instruction has unusual and puzzling effects, not what was at all expected, and one gives up, thinking "I can't meditate."

 In this series of sessions, Brenda Peddigrew will offer teachings that differentiate the many forms of meditation and what can be expected from each one. Each session will also include experience and practice of what is being taught.

The time between sessions will guide you in beginning your own home meditation practice, with the possibility of regular meditation groups forming from the work of this course.

 The Blue Sky Yoga Studio in Haliburton will host two sessions on the following dates:

                         Sunday, May 10, 10:30-noon/repeated Friday,        

                                              June 5, 1:30-3pm

 Sunday, July 5, 10:30-noon

and two further sessions in the fall, as well as a 3-day meditation retreat, to be decided. These are sequential sessions, with different teachings at each one.

             To register, please email Brenda:

or call her at 789-3509.

Each session costs $20, pay as you go.

Please bring a cushion or kneeling meditation bench, and a shawl or small blanket.

Transformative Facilitation Training for 2009:

Facilitation is interpreted often as "how to run a meeting with efficiency and satisfaction." Transformative Facilitation essentially is a much deeper work. Its goal is to address the group's dynamics in ways that transform both facilitator and group. Learning the skills of transformative facilitation requires an engagement of the whole person, tending a degree of self-awareness that extends to group awareness.

For more information and a registration form, click here. (Acrobat Reader Required)

 retreat: April 12-17, 2009

INSTAR: passages of transformation

"Instar" is the word used in science to describe the miniscule changes that a caterpillar goes through on its way to the cocoon of transformation. Using the words of the mystics, current teachings and a variety of practices, silence and contemplative dialogue, we will open ourselves to those small and seemingly insignificant changes in ourselves. These are the changes that signal true transformation.

Beginning Easter Sunday night, April 12, at 8pm and continuing to Friday, April 17, 1pm at the Loretto Maryholme Retreat Centre. (Please register there.)